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We’re here to support you through every stage of your systematic review. Here’s how Nested Knowledge can help:

Ask AI #

When you require support in Nested Knowledge, we recommend your first port of call be the Ask AI function. On any page within your nest, you can select the “Ask AI” button in the top right hand corner, a modal will appear and you’ll be prompted to ask a question. The AI searches our wiki pages for the best answer to your question and provides appropriate sources for you to peruse further. See our How to Use Ask AI wiki page for more information.

Training and Questions #

If you run into any issues during use of the software, see our Support Page or email us directly at

Feedback and Ideas #

View our AutoLit roadmap and share your feedback! We love hearing your suggestions.

Free Video Course #

If you want to learn about Systematic Review from our free course on How to Review the Medical Literature, sign up today!

Follow Us #

Subscribe to our channel on youtube and follow us on instagram for tips, tutorials, and lit review memes.

Updated on August 1, 2024
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