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Project Management

View included studies, monitor reviewer progress and activity, and leave comments on review projects.

Study Inspector #

  • Search, filter, and edit the page for all studies that were returned from your Literature Search
  • From Study Inspector, you can screen, tag, or extract individual references or use Bulk Actions.

Nest Activity #

  • Allows researchers to stay up to date with the progress of their review and track engagement.

Comments and Mentions #

  • Comments enable you to communicate with your team, mark individual studies for review, and “@” specific team members to send them alerts.
  • The Nest Comments system allows all users of the nest to communicate within the nest.

Bulk Actions #

  • Bulk Actions apply actions across many studies at once.
  • Bulk actions are automatically executed on all studies shown on Study Inspector based on the filters applied, and once executed, can only be undone by further bulk actions or individual study actions (there is no ‘undo’ button).

AutoLit Folders #

  • You can organize your nests in AutoLit into folders.
Updated on August 1, 2024
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