Anti-Modern Slavery Statement

Services #

Nested Knowledge provides software for use in medical research to businesses and individuals globally. Nested Knowledge’s web-based SaaS platform is available off-the-shelf. Headquartered in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Nested Knowledge has a remote team in several countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom.

Main Suppliers #

Typically, Nested Knowledge’s major suppliers fall into one of the categories below:

  1. Hosting service providers who host our data and our customer’s data processing in our SaaS offering.
  2. Professionals in fields such as pharmaceutical sales, tax accounting, and law.

Modern Slavery Risks #

Nested Knowledge delivers software services and support services. We do not manufacture products in the traditional meaning of that word (i.e., through the use of workers and machines in factories). We do not engage third parties to perform any such manufacturing on our behalf. Given the nature of our operations and our supply chains, we consider the Modern Slavery risk to be low.

Our Policy #

Despite our assessment that the Modern Slavery risk presented by our operations and supply chains is low, we are committed in our absolute opposition to Modern Slavery. We commit to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships, including ensuring that we and our business partners do not engage in any Modern Slavery.

Diligence and Vendor Adherence #

Due to the low risk of Modern Slavery being present in our supply chains, we have not established active systems to perform diligence on our suppliers to mitigate against the risk. Should the nature of the business change, such that a notable risk of Modern Slavery is present, we will rely on contractual protections in our agreements with our vendors to protect against the risk of Modern Slavery existing in our supply chains.

Revision History #

AuthorDate of Revision/ReviewComments
K. Cowie11/06/2024Revised
K. Kallmes12/22/2023Approved
Updated on March 4, 2025
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