Nested Knowledge offers Standard Tag Recommendations, generated by keyword searches, and Smart Tag Recommendations generated by our AI: Adaptive Smart Tags.
Viewing Tag Recommendations #
Standard #
Standard tag recommendations are generated automatically based on question in the tag hierarchy when studies enter the Tagging stage. To view them in either the Abstract or Full Text views, the Questions tab (red) and the Tag Recs tab (blue) must both be open, and a question must be selected (light blue background) for recommendations to be displayed (orange). Standard Tag Recs perform an automatic search by exact keyword look up across the whole full text or abstract.

To view the text that is associated with a given Tag Recommendation, click on the recommendation you’re interested in (orange). This will:
- Auto-jump the PDF to the relevant section,
- Put the tag name in the Search bar in the top left, which also displays the number of occurrences of your tag,
- Highlight the text portion relevant to the recommended tag
If you want to see all locations the tag occurs in the full text, you can scroll through and find relevant text contents by clicking the arrows on the Search bar.
If multiple recommendations are available they’ll be listed. When you are ready to apply a Tag Recommendation, all you need to do is alter the text input as needed an Apply tag.
Smart (AI) #
Adaptive Smart Tags (ASTs) provides the option to generate AI recommendations for custom questions in the hierarchy for the user to review in Tagging– this process is not automatic and must be run by a user. Learn how to build questions and run Adaptive Smart Tags.
When ASTs have been generated as recommendations for Abstract or Full Text, you can view them in the same way as Standard Tag Recs. In either the Abstract or Full Text views, the Questions tab (red) and the Tag Recs tab (blue) must both be open, and a question must be selected (light blue background) for recommendations to be displayed (orange). Adaptive Smart Tags are differentiated from Standard by the sparkle icon.

To view the text that is associated with a given Tag Recommendation, click on the recommendation you’re interested in (orange). This will:
- Auto-jump the PDF to the relevant section,
- Highlight the portion of the PDF relevant to the recommended tag
- Auto-fill the tag text or table in the form
If multiple recommendations are available they’ll be listed. When you are ready to apply a Tag Recommendation, all you need to do is alter the text input as needed an Apply tag.
Aliases #
If a tag has an alias and the original tag name does not generate any recommendations, it can be helpful to add aliases to the tag to aid in tag recommendation. To add an alias to a tag, navigate to the tag hierarchy, click on the tag, and add an alias.
In the below example, “coronavirus” and “SARS-CoV-2” were added as an alias to the “Sex” tag. As a result, when “COVID-19” is unavailable, the standard tag recommendations will search the either the abstract or full text for the aliases instead and this will be displayed in the tab.

Tag Recommendations in Screening Module #
Tag recommendations are also displayed in the Screening module and abide by the same rules. Ensure the Questions tab is open, a question is selected, and the Tag Recs tab is open to display recommendations (red). This often means closing the Screening tab for space purposes (blue).