There are many helpful filters in Study Inspector to show you subsets of studies in your nest. See below for more information on how each of them work.
Bibliographic Filters: #
- Title/Abstract: You can do a text search across all studies in the Title only, Abstract Only or both (regardless of full text upload status).
- Full Text Search: You can search for key phrases in all of the full texts uploaded in the nest.
- Authors: You can filter based on the first author’s name only!
- Author Affiliation: You can filter based on author affiliation.
- Publication date: You can filter to a set of studies published before or after a certain date.
- DOI: You can filter to a specific DOI.
- PubMed ID: You can filter to a specific PubMed ID.
- PMC ID: You can filter to a specific PMC ID.
- Embase ID: If your import comes from Embase, you can filter by the ID assigned to it by the index.
- NCT Number: For records or publications that report NCT Number in the bibliographic data, you can filter to find studies with the NCT number of interest.
- Ref ID: This is the number assigned to the record based on the order it was uploaded to the nest. For example Ref ID = 1 would be the first study uploaded, 2 would be the second, and so on. You can filter to find a specific Ref ID or a range of IDs. Note, if records are deleted, original Ref IDs do not change.
- External ID: You can filter to an external ID that can be configured when editing bibliographic data.
- Journal: You can type of the name of the journal
- Language: You can filter to English or non-English studies.
- Keywords: You can filter by the Bibliographic Keywords attached as metadata to the record.
- Publication Type: If available in the bibliographic data, you can filter to publication type assigned.
- Bibliographic Status: You can filter to a specific bibliographic field and view records where that field is empty or not empty.
- Publication Update: You can filter to studies that have been retracted or corrected from the original database.
Workflow: #
- If Dual mode is turned on, you will see the following filters:
- Reviewer Screening: You can filter to a specific reviewer-level screening decision made by an individual user, including Robot Screener.
- Screening Adjudicated By: You can filter to a specific adjudicated screening decision made by an individual user.
- Screening Agreement: You can filter to records depending on the reviewer’s final agreement decisions. Options include: Disagree, Include/Include, Exclude/Exclude
- If Dual Two Pass mode is turned on, you will see the following filters:
- Reviewer AB Screening: You can filter to a specific reviewer-level abstract screening decision made by an individual user, including Robot Screener.
- Reviewer FT Screening: You can filter to a specific reviewer-level full text screening decision made by an individual user.
- Abstract Screening: You can filter by final screening status at the abstract screening level.
- AB Screening Adjudicated By: You can filter to a specific adjudicated abstract screening decision made by an individual user.
- FT Screening Adjudicated By: You can filter to a specific adjudicated full text/final screening decision made by an individual user.
- AB Screening Agreement: You can filter to records depending on the reviewer’s abstract-level agreement decisions. Options include: Disagree, Advance/Advance, Exclude/Exclude
- FT Screening Agreement: You can filter to records depending on the reviewer’s final agreement decisions. Options include: Disagree, Include/Include, Exclude/Exclude
- Final Screening: You can filter by full text/final screening status to find studies that were included, excluded for any reason, or excluded under a specific reason.
- Module Status: You can filter to studies that have incomplete or complete Tagging, MA extraction or critical appraisal modules.
- Full Text Status: You can filter to studies that have a PDF uploaded and attached, its source or whether the PDF upload is pending. This is different from full text review!
- Supplemental Materials: You can filter to studies via the number of uploaded supplemental materials.
- Full Text Review: You can filter studies that had their full text reviewed as evidenced by the “Full Text Review” box being checked in screening.
- Advancement or Inclusion probability: You can filter studies to be between a specific inclusion probability range.
- Reviewer Count: Again, if you are in Dual modes, you can use this filter to view records that have been reviewed in specific modules by a specific number of reviewers.
Gathered: #
- Tag: You can filter to studies that have a specific tag (or any sub-tags underneath it) tagged.
- Tag Contents: You can filter to studies based on the text in the Contents attached to any tag on any study in the nest. This includes text in table contents too!
- Critical Appraisal (Risk): You can filter to studies that have a certain level of risk.
- Data Element: You can filter to studies that have data extracted for a particular data element.
- Intervention: You can filter to studies that have specific interventions
- Comments: You can search comments to retrieve studies with matches.
Search: #
- Literature Search: You can filter to studies that were found in specific database searches or were expert additions.
- Related Report Family: You can filter to reports of the same study, which are grouped under a Primary and given a Related Report Family name (or, by default, the Primary report’s first author’s last name and year will be used).
- Related Report Type: You can filter to specific assigned related report type: Primary, Secondary or Any Assigned type.
- Time of Retrieval: You can filter to studies that were retrieved either before or after a specific date.
Allocation: #
Note: This feature is only available to Enterprise subscribers and filters will only be displayed if Allocation is turned on.
- Allocated To: You can filter to specific modules that are allocated to a specific user in the nest.
- Allocated Count: You can filter to a specific number of records allocated in each module.