Case Study in Nested Knowledge: Researching Biological Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration
This case study shows a full Systematic Literature Review project completed in the Nested Knowledge software on the role of FLAP Inhibition and leukotriene signaling in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. Authors: Erin Sheffels, Ph.D, Derek Obenschain, Ph.D, Niklaus Millican, Elle Mehinovic, Holly Pope, Ph.D, Kevin M. Kallmes, J.D. Neurodegenerative Diseases: patient burden and current state Neurodegenerative […]
Free tier, accessibility, portability, and security – Nested Knowledge responds!

We at Nested Knowledge just read a blog about accessibility and portability of systematic review outputs, especially focused on Free Trials. We thought that the author brought up some very interesting questions, and we thought we’d provide answers for our tool!
Tag Tables, Explained

Nested Knowledge’s flexible extraction mechanism helps reflect complex methods and data from records.
PRISMA Flow Diagram: How publications ‘flow’ through the updated PRISMA 2020 process and chart

The PRISMA Flow Diagram has become a standard part of any systematic review or meta-analysis, and with good reason– it is the most widely accepted method to show the process by which the studies included in a review were included (or excluded). It also shows the different possible steps of a review, different potential sources (from PubMed to ‘expert recommendations’), and the exact reasons you set up to differentiate the wheat from the chaff among the studies you examined.
Test driving Systematic Review software: What does “Feature Complete” look like?

Though there are over 240 tools for systematic review on the SR Toolbox, only 24 are functioning, web-based softwares for pre-clinical or clinical review. These range from academic projects to COVID-inspired living visualizations, so not every tool was intended to cover every feature recommended by Mierden/Harrison/Marshall/Kohl, but all tools cover the essential steps of adding studies, screening, and extracting and presenting some sort of review data. Table 4 in the Results section of our freely available feature assessment lays out all the options.
Nested Knowledge’s Public-interest Reviews

October 31, 2021 Nested Knowledge supports a wide range of review and meta-analysis projects, mostly completed by external researchers using our novel software system, AutoLit. However, as part of our internal testing of software performance and in support of grant submissions demonstrating the viability of AutoLit, we have completed and made public the following research […]